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Sustainability Working Group

On 10 & 18 May 2022, Hong Kong PropTech Alliance successfully hosted the first two meetings of the Sustainability Working Group at Hongkong Land’s office. Our kick-off theme is Your Journey to Achieving Science-based Target – with the first discussion focused on Scope 1 & 2 Carbon reduction and the second centered around Scope 3 reduction.

The objective of the Sustainability Working Group is to connect members of Hong Kong PropTechAlliance to share strategy, approach & technology adoption towards their Sustainability targets across China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, and to accelerate mutual learning and identify areas for improvement.

Alliance members are also encouraged to explore collaborative actions and facilitate sustainability dialogue with other stakeholders to speed up everyone’s Net Zero journey.

The event was well-received and attended by eight member companies whose representatives had the chance to present their innovations and progress in achieving Science-based target. 

Sharing the same challenge in screening Scope 3 inventory and setting Scope 3 targets, the group will continue to engage and discuss on the topics of renewable energy procurement, low-carbon building materials, and carbon assessment tools. Members will also explore different technologies in relation to net zero strategy, energy efficiency and circular economy.

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